al-Kaabi’s Farewell to Nasrallah:

Farewell, Commander of Hearts; The days after you are dark and grim

The secretary-general of Iraq’s al-Nujaba Movement emphasized that revenge for the blood of the martyred secretary-general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Movement is a responsibility on the shoulders of all the free people of the world.

Shaykh Akram al-Kaabi, the secretary-general of the al-Nujaba Movement, published the following emotional message in his farewell to the martyr Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah:

Farewell, the departed of the ummah and the master of martyrs of the Resistance; farewell, commander of hearts, farewell, joy of hearts.

Your loss took away the joy and enthusiasm from our souls; with your departure, the hardship of regret, the darkness of the nights, and the weight of sorrow have befallen us.

We entrust you to the Almighty, who is God Himself. Congratulations to you for achieving your wish, alongside your brother, Sayyid Hashim Safiuddin, a distinguished figure in knowledge and jihad.

We neither forget nor forgive; for your revenge is a trust upon the shoulders of the free people. We are committed to our promise. We hope for the day we will meet again in the presence of Imam al-Husayn (peace be upon him).