Senior al-Nujaba Official Speaks to Newsweek:

Israel’s attack on Iran was weak/ The United States must leave Iraq; Either on schedule or under fire

al-Asadi declared that if it is proven that the Americans allowed Israel to use Iraqi airspace, US bases will be targeted.

Shaykh Ali al-Asadi, the head of the Political Council of Iraq’s al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement, gave an interview to the American magazine Newsweek. Responding to a question about al-Nujaba’s stance on Israel’s use of Iraqi airspace for a recent attack on Iran, he noted, “First, any response will come from Iraqi Islamic Resistance as a whole, not just the al-Nujaba Movement. Second, based on our information, the Israeli regime’s weak attack involved firing ballistic missiles from the Occupied Territories, most of which were intercepted. Additionally, they deployed around 10 to 20 fighter jets, using Syrian, Jordanian, and Saudi airspace.”

Shaykh Ali al-Asadi further emphasized that if it is proven that the United States allowed Israel to use Iraqi airspace, “we will target American bases.”

Regarding the US military’s announced timeline for withdrawing from Iraq, he added, “We have no trust in any promises or agreements claimed by the occupiers. Nonetheless, we have left room for diplomatic efforts. Should the Americans fail to adhere to the timeline, they will be forced out under the blows and fire of the Iraqi Islamic Resistance.”